Sunday, March 15, 2009

And We Are Off

We head out tomorrow morning for Gondoca, Costa Rica. It is a small town in a the Gondoca Nationatioal Park with about 75 people. Costa Rica has been a nice suprise, it is a good place. Honduras gave both of us a parting gift that our stomachs did not like, so we did not see much of San Jose before we are heading out, but we are both better now. There are 26 headed out with us tomorrow, but only about ten our headed to our project. Lee and I are the oldest by far, compared to the last project where we were easily the youngest (I guess no one our age does volunteer vacations:)

We are staying at the house the coordinator stays in. She say the house is humble, but the family is wonderful and the the owner is the best cook in the village. The Coordinator will actually be at the house all but 5 days of our stay, so we are in good hands. She is already arranging a dive trip for us in the Pamanian Islands. We decided to cut one of the three weeks off this volunteer trip and are going to find something more comfortable. We have had enough sand flies.

I am off to bed, another early start (we have gotten up at 5:30am, 3:30am and now 4:45am three out of the last four days). It is going to be hard to switch to night shifts.

take care and miss you all. Remember, internet and phone will be limited for the next two to three weeks, so if you do not hear from us, no worries.

Forrest & Lee

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